In adversarial.js, all attacks have essentially the same API.

  1. Untargeted attacks take the (1) model, (2) example, and (3) original label as arguments.
  2. Targeted attacks take the (1) model, (2) example, (3) original label, and (4) target label as arguments.

Useful notes:

Here are the JSDoc signatures (or, just read the source):

* Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
* This is an L_infinity attack (every pixel can change up to a maximum amount).
* Sources:
* - [Goodfellow 15] Explaining and harnessing adversarial examples
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L_inf distance (each pixel can change up to this amount).
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function fgsm(model, img, lbl, {ε = 0.1} = {}) { ... }

* Targeted Variant of the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
* This is an L_infinity attack (every pixel can change up to a maximum amount).
* Sources:
*  - [Kurakin 16] Adversarial examples in the physical world (original paper)
*  - [Kurakin 16] Adversarial Machine Learning at Scale (best description)
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {tf.Tensor} targetLbl - The desired adversarial label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L_inf distance (each pixel can change up to this amount).
* @param {number} config.loss - The loss function to use (must be 0, 1, or 2).
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function fgsmTargeted(model, img, lbl, targetLbl, {ε = 0.1, loss = 2} = {}) { ... }

* Basic Iterative Method (BIM / I-FGSM / PGD)
* This is an L_infinity attack (every pixel can change up to a maximum amount).
* Sources:
*  - BIM: [Kurakin 16] Adversarial examples in the physical world
*  - I-FGSM: [Tramer 17] Ensemble Adversarial Training: Attacks and Defenses
*  - PGD: [Madry 19] Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L_inf distance (each pixel can change up to this amount).
* @param {number} config.α - Learning rate for gradient descent.
* @param {number} config.iters - Number of iterations of gradient descent.
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function bim(model, img, lbl, {ε = 0.1, α = 0.01, iters = 10} = {}) { ... }

* Targeted Variant of the Basic Iterative Method (BIM / I-FGSM / PGD)
* This is an L_infinity attack (every pixel can change up to a maximum amount).
* Sources:
*  - [Kurakin 16] Adversarial examples in the physical world (original paper)
*  - [Kurakin 16] Adversarial Machine Learning at Scale (best description)
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {tf.Tensor} targetLbl - The desired adversarial label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L_inf distance (each pixel can change up to this amount).
* @param {number} config.iters - Number of iterations of gradient descent.
* @param {number} config.loss - The loss function to use (must be 0 or 1). Note: loss2 from fgsmTargeted theoretically works, but it's too slow in practice.
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function bimTargeted(model, img, lbl, targetLbl, {ε = 0.1, α = 0.01, iters = 10, loss = 1} = {}) { ... }

* One-Pixel Variant of the Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA / JSMA-F)
* This is an L0 attack (we can change a limited number of pixels as much as we want).
* This is a much simplified version of the normal JSMA attack, where we only
* consider single pixels at a time, rather than pairs of pixels. Additionally,
* instead of computing the full saliency, we rely only on the gradient of the
* target class wrt the image. This is much faster and scalable than JSMA, and
* has similar performance on MNIST and CIFAR-10.
* Sources:
*  - JSMA: [Papernot 15] The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings
*  - JSMA-F: [Carlini 17] Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L0 distance (we can change up to this many pixels).
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function jsmaOnePixel(model, img, lbl, targetLbl, {ε = 28} = {}) { ... }

* Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA / JSMA-F)
* This is an L0 attack (we can change a limited number of pixels as much as we want).
* (Note: I tried JSMA-Z as well, which uses logits instead of softmax probabilities.
*  This results in much worse performance for this attack, even though JSMA-Z was
*  the original variant of this attack (see Carlini 17). I'm not sure why there's
*  a huge discrepancy.)
* Sources:
*  - JSMA: [Papernot 15] The Limitations of Deep Learning in Adversarial Settings
*  - JSMA-F: [Carlini 17] Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {tf.Tensor} targetLbl - The desired adversarial label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.ε - Max L0 distance (we can change up to this many pixels).
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function jsma(model, img, lbl, targetLbl, {ε = 28} = {}) { ... }

* Carlini & Wagner (C&W)
* This is an L2 attack (we are incentivized to change many pixels by very small amounts).
* Note that this attack does NOT allow us to set a maximum L2 perturbation.
* Sources:
*  - [Carlini 17] Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Networks
*  - [Carlini 17] Adversarial Examples Are Not Easily Detected - Bypassing Ten Detection Methods
* @param {tf.LayersModel} model - The model to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} img - The input image to construct an adversarial example for.
* @param {tf.Tensor} lbl - The correct label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {tf.Tensor} targetLbl - The desired adversarial label of the image (must have shape [1, NUM_CLASSES]).
* @param {Object} config - Optional configuration for this attack.
* @param {number} config.c - Higher = higher success rate, but higher distortion.
* @param {number} config.κ - Higher = more confident adv example.
* @param {number} config.λ - Higher learning rate = faster convergence, but higher distortion.
* @param {number} config.iters - Number of iterations of gradient descent (Adam).
* @returns {tf.Tensor} The adversarial image.
export function cw(model, img, lbl, targetLbl, {c = 5, κ = 1, λ = 0.1, iters = 100} = {}) { ... }